How can Evox help me? Evox can help:
Break Patterns You Feel Stuck In
Clear Self-Sabotage
Release the Effects of Trauma
Support Nervous System Dysregulation
Reduce Anxiety
Reduce Fears
Reduce Stress
1. Voice Mapping
2. Biofeedback
3. Pattern Shift
Change your life today.
How Can Zyto Evox Help?
My primary focus with my clients is to shift neuro patterns that no longer serve them. These neuro patterns come in the forms of behavioral patterns and emotional patterns. Behavioral patterns can come from traumas or toxic situations that were once needed to survive in those situations, but now the individual no longer needs that behavior, such as continuing toxic relationships, continuous rumination over a situation, money issues, or addictions. Emotional patterns would include feeling guilty or low self-esteem, feeling isolated, not worthy, anxious, etc.
Many of these patterns are rooted in our subconscious mind and are held in the form of beliefs. I support my clients by working closely with them to identify their limiting beliefs and release these patterns.
Evox therapy helps individuals release repressed emotions, unresolved trauma, and the subconscious mind’s limiting beliefs.
If you have any questions about this, please feel free to text Mel @ 612-309-4194.
Voice Mapping
Researchers have found that there are specific emotions that correlate with specific frequencies within the voice. When using voice mapping, the frequencies in the voice surrounding a specific topic with my client. Zyto Evox technology is able to identify which emotions are coming up based on the energetic frequencies recorded when discussing that specific topic.
2. Biofeedback
The Zyto Evox technology is able to identify and give back to the body what frequencies are needed to restore balance. These frequencies are able to heal repressed emotions, clear undesired behavior patterns, and shift limiting beliefs that may have been keeping you stuck for years.
3.Pattern Shift
Once this process of recording the energetic frequencies in the voice and providing biofeedback to restore balance allows for a releasing pattern, then we have an energetic shift. This is detected by the Zyto Evox technology. Once this energetic shift has taken place, a perceptaiton reframe has occurred and the session will end.